आमची आरोग्य सेवा, आता तुमच्या घरी!

आम्ही का करतो

आपली सोय आमचे प्राधान्य आहे! टेलिमेडिसिन आपल्याला आमच्याशी सल्लामसलत करण्यास परवानगी देते, तेही फोन / इंटरनेटद्वारे आपल्या घरातून.

मी कसे करू शकतो

हे आपण निवडलेल्या टेली-समुपदेशन मोडवर अवलंबून असेल. जसे की व्हिडिओ / ऑडिओ / फोन कॉल, व्हॉट्सअ‍ॅप कॉल किंवा चैट. यासाठी, आपल्याकडे कॅमेरा आणि चांगले इंटरनेट आणि लॅपटॉप आवश्यक आहे.

काय आहेत

क्लिनिकला भेट देण्याची गरज नाही, रहदारी मध्ये गोंधळ होणार नाही, कामापासून रजा घेण्याची गरज नाही, ज्या रुग्णांना संसर्गजन्य रोग असू शकतात त्यांच्याशी जवळचा संपर्क होण्याचा धोका नाही.

काय आहेत

टेलिमेडिसिन हा वैयक्तिकरित्या काळजी घेण्याकरिता पर्याय नाही किंवा आपत्कालीन परिस्थितीत आपण ते वापरू नये. शंका असल्यास नेहमीच क्लिनिक किंवा रुग्णालयात जा.

टेली-समुपदेशन बुक करा

नवीन सल्ला

आपण नवीन रूग्ण असल्यास किंवा विद्यमान रुग्ण आपल्यास नवीन समस्येबद्दल चर्चा करू इच्छित असल्यास हे निवडा

बुक करा
पाठपुरावा सल्ला

आमच्याशी पाठपुरावा करण्यासाठी आमच्याकडे परत येण्याचा सल्ला आम्हीतुम्हाला दिला असल्यास हा पर्याय निवडा

बुक करा

टेली-समुपदेशन सुरू करा

माझा टेली-सल्ला

आपण आधीच आमच्याबरोबर टेली-समुपदेशन बुक केले आहे का? आपल्या सल्लामसलतमध्ये सामील होण्यासाठी किंवा आपली प्रिस्क्रिप्शन मिळविण्यासाठी क्लिक करा.

सामील व्हा
टेली-समुपदेशन सूचना

एक चांगला टेली-समुपदेशन अनुभव घ्यायचा आहे? या सोप्या सूचना वाचा.

सूचना वाचा


An Ayurvedic clinic with 14 years of experience likely has a proven track record of providing traditional and holistic healthcare. The clinic may have evolved over time, incorporating modern technologies while staying true to Ayurvedic principles. Here's an overview of such a clinic: 1. Established Reputation Long-standing History: With 14 years in operation, the clinic likely has a strong reputation in its community and among its clients. Experienced Practitioners: The staff, including Ayurvedic doctors and therapists, would be experienced and well-trained, with expertise in various Ayurvedic treatments and modalities. 2. Comprehensive Services Diagnostic Assessments: The clinic uses traditional Ayurvedic methods to assess a patient's doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and diagnose imbalances. Customized Treatments: Based on the diagnosis, the clinic provides personalized treatment plans, which might include a combination of herbal remedies, Panchakarma therapies, diet recommendations, and lifestyle advice. Therapeutic Procedures: The clinic likely offers a range of Ayurvedic treatments, such as: Panchakarma: Detoxification and rejuvenation therapies including Snehan, swedan, basti, nasya, raktmokshan and shirodhara. Herbal Remedies: Formulated from Ayurvedic herbs and plants to address specific health issues. Massages and Body Therapies: Abhyanga (oil massage), Shirodhara (oil poured on the forehead), and other traditional techniques. Yoga and Meditation: Complementary practices that support holistic well-being. Chronic Disease Management: Treatment plans for managing chronic conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, or stress-related disorders. 3. Holistic Approach to Health Patient-Centered Care: The clinic focuses on treating the individual, not just the symptoms, using a holistic approach that considers body, mind, and spirit. Lifestyle and Nutrition Guidance: Recommendations on diet, daily routines, exercise, and other lifestyle factors to support overall health. Education and Community Outreach: The clinic may offer workshops, classes, and seminars to educate the community about Ayurvedic principles and health practices. 4. Quality and Safety Standards Regulatory Compliance: The clinic follows applicable health and safety regulations, ensuring a clean and safe environment for patients. Traditional and Modern Practices: Balancing ancient Ayurvedic practices with modern technology and medical standards for optimal patient care. Feedback and Improvement: With 14 years of experience, the clinic likely has systems in place for patient feedback and continuous improvement. 5. Patient Experience Welcoming Atmosphere: A calm, peaceful environment that promotes relaxation and healing. Follow-Up and Aftercare: The clinic provides follow-up consultations and ongoing support to help patients maintain their health after treatment. Patient Testimonials: With a long history, the clinic may have numerous testimonials from satisfied patients, indicating its success and effectiveness. Conclusion An Ayurvedic clinic with 14 years of experience offers a wealth of knowledge and a proven record in Ayurvedic healthcare. It provides a comprehensive range of services tailored to individual needs and emphasizes a holistic approach to health and wellness. If you're considering visiting such a clinic, you can expect personalized care, a variety of treatment options, and a commitment to promoting overall well-being.


Manaswi Ayurved multicare ayurvedic clinics
05, Shiwani complex, Balewadi phata, Baner, Baner, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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